We arrive at your garden at 10:44 am. :D
Justine and Dad get to work.
Dad pulls out all the previous month's pink blossoms ...
and start planting the yellow daisies.
Here's Justine with the everlasting daisies.
So very bright and pretty, they both are.
You must have seen your sister posing with your flowers from up there, huh ...
Dad transfers the pink flowers to the side / edge of the garden plot.
See your father trims the overhanging branches from the small plant?
Let's pray ...
Hail Mary full of grace ...
After our prayers, we put on the song TONG HUA (Fairytale) ...
before that, we pose for this photo. :D
We cannot take our eyes off the beautiful flowers ...
Can You?
Michael Wong
Thinking about You and missing You so very much
on your 33rd month with Jesus and Mother Mary up there in heaven.